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Heat transition

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The Dutch market is on the brink of a major energy transition. By 2050 all heating for the 'built environment' must be sustainable.

This  policy is known as “van gas los" ( "no use of fossil gas") and implies that 7 million houses - approximately 95% of the total-  must be connected to alternative heating sources. This equates to over 220,000 houses per annum!

Sustainable energy sources include biogas and 'all electric' solutions on the basis of individual heat pumps. However, especially in densely populated areas it is more efficient (or even necessary) to switch to collective heat sources such as:

  • collective heatpumps

  • geothermal heat

  • residual heat (including industrial sources and data centers)

The sources above require district heating networks to deliver the heat towards houses, offices, utilities and industries.


As reflected in the graphs, it is expected that ultimately around 40-50% of all heat in the built environment will distributed via a district heating network. This implies that significant infrastructural investments are required over the next 30 years.

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Source: CE Delft

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